New year resolutions & tips for students

Date published 3 January 2024
Date modified 3 January 2024

The new year has begun, and that means another opportunity to dive into 2024 with enthusiasm and energy. While the idea of exercising more, eating healthier, or dedicating more hours to studies sounds appealing, these resolutions can also bring awareness to what hasn't been accomplished. Here are some achievable resolutions and tips for students looking to have a productive and enjoyable new year.


  1. Balance between work and personal life

Balancing work, school, and family commitments can be challenging, especially when it comes to knowing when to take a break. As you step into the new year, strive to cultivate a more harmonious relationship between your work, academic responsibilities, and personal life. Consider allocating specific time blocks for each aspect. For instance, dedicate your mornings to school assignments before heading to work, and reserve your evenings for quality time with family and friends. Additionally, designate some time each night to address work tasks, ensuring a more structured and balanced daily routine.


  1. Healthy habits

Getting into healthy habits can do wonders for your focus and stress levels. Imagine this: regular workouts not only boost brainpower but also sprinkle some extra joy into your day. Sneak in a quick jog or follow a snappy 20-minute workout video to break up those study sessions. And hey, don't forget the good stuff, munch on nutritious bites and keep the fluids flowing. Let's make this year about feeling good inside and out!


  1. Reduce coffee intake

That morning cup of coffee can be a lifesaver when you're groggy, but drowning in coffee isn't the move. Too much caffeine can amp up anxiety, mess with your sleep, and impact decision-making abilities. How about keeping it chill with just a cup or two a day? Skip the coffee during stressful moments or late in the day – your sanity (and your bank account) will thank you.


  1. Do not procrastinate

Let's steer clear of the notorious last-minute project scramble. Procrastination is no one's friend – it amps up stress and takes a toll on the quality of your work. Tackling assignments smartly is the key:

  • Create a timeline for your project and stick to it
  • Try breaking your project into parts
  • Minimize distractions
  • Start your work early

Your future self will thank you later!


  1. Focus on learning not only the grades

While it's tempting to fixate solely on grades during assignment work, it's crucial to recognize that the ultimate goal is to grasp concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios. By immersing yourself in the material with a practical mindset, you not only deepen your comprehension but also alleviate the pressure of chasing a specific score. Instead of laser-focusing on securing an A on the next essay or class project, take a step back. Reflect on the assignment's purpose and consider how the acquired knowledge can be relevant in your future endeavors. Make learning a meaningful journey, and the grades will naturally follow suit.


  1. Communicate more effectively

Being assertive allows you to express your thoughts and needs clearly, fostering healthier relationships and effective collaborations. Enhancing communication skills is pivotal, both in personal and professional spheres, contributing not only to heightened productivity but also fostering stronger connections with family, friends, colleagues, and clients. Consider the following strategies to elevate your communication prowess:

  • Cultivate Active Listening
  • Assertiveness Matters
  • Embrace Transparency
  • Seek Constructive Feedback
  • Decode Non-Verbal Cues


  1. Enhance your study techniques

Revamping your study approach can significantly boost your academic performance, and there's no one-size-fits-all method. Learning styles vary – some thrive in group settings, while others excel when flying solo.

Consider joining a study group to engage in meaningful discussions with classmates. This not only deepens your comprehension of course material but also exposes you to diverse study methods that align with your unique learning style.

For those who prefer a quieter environment, craft your personalized study guide or leverage online tools like Quizlet to quiz yourself. Tailoring your study routine to suit your preferences ensures a more effective and personalized learning experience.


  1. Find a new job

Dive into the Job Hunt Let's kick off the year by throwing your hat into the job or internship ring. Whether it's a part-time gig, an internship, or even just brushing up on your interview skills, it's all about beefing up that industry know-how. Getting hands-on in a job setting or networking with folks in the field can seriously amp up your game. And hey, even if landing the dream job doesn't happen right away, every interview is a chance to flex those experience-building muscles. Time to make 2024 the year you level up!

Are you ready to make a change right now and looking for a job? Apply at Recruit a Student. Check our website for vacancies and sign up now! We'll get in touch with you as soon as possible, and before you know it, you'll have found the perfect side job!


Recognizing the diversity of individuals, feel free to pick and choose from these resolutions or tailor your own based on these examples. Regardless of what the new year unfolds, remember that veering off course is natural, and the beauty lies in the opportunity to begin anew. Initiating positive changes is a timeless endeavor – there's no such thing as being too early or too late to embark on the journey of self-improvement. So, as the year progresses, embrace the chance to recalibrate your goals, forging ahead with resilience and determination. Your personal evolution knows no strict timeline, and every moment is ripe for taking steps towards a better you.
