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Why is your CV so important?

Job application tips

Why is your CV so important?

When you apply for a job, your resume is naturally very important. Your resume gives a recruiter an immediate impression of who you are, what you do, and what your qualities are.
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What should you do if you don't hear anything after a job interview?

Job application tips

What should you do if you don't hear anything after a job interview?

When you have had a job interview, you are naturally very curious to know whether, based on this interview, you will be hired or not. It may be that the outcome of this interview will take some time, what should you do if you do not hear anything after a job interview?  
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How to write a motivational letter

Job application tips

How to write a motivational letter

To write a good letter of motivation. it is important to learn more about the company and the job opening beforehand. Know to whom and why you are writing the letter of motivation! Know how to write a good cover letter for an internship or that job you want. With this preparation you are already well on your way!
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