Pub Quiz

Date published 11 January 2023
Date modified 15 March 2023

We are on a roll! Thanks to the invitation of ESN-Groningen to sponsor their pub quiz we decided that we also wanted to organize a quiz for our candidates and students. 

In the popular local café of the NHL, Brûze, we held the first Recruit a Student pub quiz to which we invited everyone who was interested in such an event. With  snacks, drinks, questions and prizes you could call this a great evening. Our colleague Carlijn worked hard on the five rounds of questions and the three winners were all able to take home a gift card!

We hope that we will be able to host another of these events in the future. We notice that it really helps to bring internationals, candidates and students together. 

Image: The three winners with their well earned giftcard together with Carlijn and Kathelijne (Recruit a Student)