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FAQ - Students

Below we answer some of students' frequently asked questions.

When will my salary be paid?

If you work for Recruit a Student, your salary will be paid weekly. Payments are made on Wednesday afternoon, so you will have your salary in your account on Thursday or Friday.

How much tax do I have to pay?

The difference between your gross and net salary is the amount you have to pay in taxes and contributions as an employee. Gross is the amount before taxes and contributions and net is the amount after taxes and contributions. Your contact at Recruit a Student will inform you of your hourly wage before you start work. This will always be the gross amount because the amount of taxes and contributions depends on the number of hours you work per week and whether or not a wage tax credit is applied. So, if you work alternating hours, you may pay more tax one week than the next. For more information on tax, visit the 'Belastingdienst' (Dutch tax authority) website.

What do all the elements on my payslip mean?

This page explains payslips. If you have any further questions, please contact the branch for which you work.

What is wage tax credit?

Tax credits are reductions in taxes. As a result, you pay less tax. The wage tax credit may only be applied to one employer. When you come to register at one of our branches, you can indicate whether or not you want wage tax credit to be applied. If you wish to change your choice later, you can inform the branch with which you are registered.

How and when will I receive my annual statement?

Each year, you will receive the annual statement no later than the last week of January. It will be sent by e-mail. Your annual statement shows how much you earned in the past year and how much tax you paid. Check the 'Belastingdienst' (Dutch Tax Authority) website to see if you are entitled to a tax refund. To do this, you need the details from your annual statement.

What should I do if I am sick?

If you work for Recruit a Student, you must read your employment contract and the sick leave protocol, which states: in case of illness, you must report sick to (A) the employer and (B) the client as soon as possible and, in any case, before starting work.

(A) Employer (notification must be both by phone and e-mail. NOT by text message or Whatsapp).

We are available 24 hours a day. Outside office hours, please call the emergency number indicated on the voicemail of your branch, or call the general number: 088 522 00 00

(B) Client:

The client's contact details are always included in the online schedule. If you are unable to contact the employer/client yourself, the sickness report can be passed on by others. For more information, read the Recruit a Student sick leave protocol.

How do I report my hours worked?

Each week, you must submit your hours worked by Monday at noon. The method depends on the client and the arrangements you have made with the branch with which you are registered.

How much can I earn on top of my student loans?

If you earn too much additional income on top of your student loans, you will no longer be entitled to student loans or the student travel product. So, there is a limit for additional earnings. The limit for additional earnings in 2018 was €14,456. This is your aggregate income or taxable wage. If you approach the additional earnings limit, you must stop your student loans. For more information on this topic, visit the DUO website.

How much do I earn per hour?

Depending on the client, a gross hourly wage will be agreed upon before you start work. This is based on the client's collective bargaining agreement. The hourly rate can be found in your online work schedule. If you would like more information about your online work schedule, please watch the instruction videos here.

How and when will I receive my payslip?

Depending on the client's payment cycle, you will receive your payslip either weekly or four-weekly. You will receive this no later than the Friday following the week you worked. The payslip will be sent by e-mail. Payments will also be made at that time. So, you can assume that payment has been made when you receive your payslip.

What are reservations?

A reservation is a percentage of your salary that is set aside for annual leave, holiday pay and short-term sick leave. Your holiday pay is 8% of your actual salary (gross salary excluding allowances, etc.) This supplement is reserved on top of each hour worked (excluding overtime) and is paid during the week of 1 June.

If you work part-time and/or not for a whole year, you accrue annual leave according to the number of hours you work. Recruit a Student reserves a fixed percentage of your hourly wage for this purpose. This is noted on your payslip.

How and when are reservations paid out?

Recruit a Student reserves a fixed percentage of your hourly wage for this purpose. Upon request, Recruit a Student will pay your annual leave credit. Reservations (annual leave, holiday pay and short-term sick leave) are paid automatically when you have not worked for up to 6 weeks. Holiday pay is paid automatically in the first week of June.